大家可能以為以上又是有關「全球暖化」引起全球天災的報道。但其實,這是筆者節錄自1977年《讀者文摘》出版的《二十世紀大事實錄》。有趣的是,它並不是在描述「全球暖化」,而是在描述「全球冷化」﹕由於七十年代初期出現了「一連串不祥事件」(ominous events)─ 包括地球的冰雪增加了百分之十五、格陵蘭創下一百年來最低氣溫 ─ 該書指氣候學家相信地球的氣溫正在不斷變冷。沒有錯,七十年代傳媒口中的「全球危機」是「冰河時期重臨」,而不是「全球暖化」。
另外,對於在會議期間,有超過一百名科學家、工程師及經濟學家聯名向聯合國秘書長潘基文發出公開信,嚴厲批評聯合國「跨政府氣候變化專家小組」(IPCC)一事,本地傳媒更是完全置若罔聞。那封公開信,不但抨擊IPCC廣泛宣傳、由小撮寫手撰寫的「製訂政策者撮要」(Summary for Policymakers),其實並不能代表「科學界共識」,更明確指出以「減排」來阻止氣候變化非但毫無科學根據,減排措施所造成的資源錯配和經濟放慢,對人類的遺害可能更大。
這封公開信更明確指出多個傳媒不斷向公眾洗腦式灌輸的「全球暖化」謬誤﹕二十世紀後期全球平均氣溫上升的幅度(每十年0.1至0.2 ℃),其實並沒有偏離過去一萬年來自然氣候變化的幅度﹔傳媒渲染的冰川融化、海水上升以及動物遷徙等現象,並沒有顯示氣候有異常的變化﹔目前的電腦模擬(computer models)技術,其實並沒有預測氣候能力,正如之前電腦模擬亦估計不到自1998年開始全球氣溫停止了「暖化」一樣。
※註 ﹕數據請參閱《假大空的減排鬧劇》
12月21日: Japan Omits Carbon Tax, Trading From Latest Pollution Measures
12月22日: Over 400 Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007
12月23日: U.S. Fertility Rate Hits 35-Year High
Developing countries use global warming try to slow America's economy
2008: Year of global cooling
Climate alarmism hits a brick wall
Post-Bali Manic Depression
Thursday, December 20, 2007
氣候怎變 反美不變
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3:00 AM
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點樣美國傳媒業和香港的分別是很? 你有無答到問題? 詩白爾要話的是, 如果好似廢柴兄的邏輯, 全世界都因反美而支持全球暖化問題, 甘美國傳媒點解要會報導全球暖化呢?
廢柴兄的美奴身份已好明顯走左出來, 當然垃圾報也要支持一番, 不竟垃圾報與美國關係千絲萬縷.
廢柴兄收得人錢, 當然要做番d 野, 美國文膽, 實至名歸
只有FOX news 及華盛頓時報係右派
Washington Times 35.4
Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume 39.7
Newshour with Jim Lehrer 55.8
CNN NewsNight with Aaron Brown 56
ABC Good Morning America 56.1
Drudge Report 60.4
ABC World News Tonight 61
NBC Nightly News 61.6
USA Today 63.4
NBC Today Show 64
Time Magazine 65.4
U.S. News and World Report 65.8
NPR Morning Edition 66.3
Newsweek 66.3
CBS Early Show 66.6
Washington Post 66.6
LA Times 70
CBS Evening News 73.7
New York Times 73.7
Wall Street Journal 85.1
thanks henry
老豆老母兄弟子女都有時呃你, 或者因為他們蠢而老點o左你。
可否不馮X必Y, 而看清事實, 聽齊兩方論據,獨立思考, 再作判斷。
“只有FOX news及《華盛頓時報》係右派……”
人均 CO2 年排放:
USA : 20 tonnes
EU : 10 tonnes
China : 1/6 of US, (i.e. 1/3 of
sub-Saharan Africa : 0.9 tonnes
HK : 5 - 6 tonnes
黃牛講咗咁多「道理」同藉口,都係唔明美國人每年排成 20 噸 CO2,點解仲咁厚面皮?
kmb59好似搞唔清楚一d 野. 美國GDP係計埋佢地科技, 金融等的收入. 如果以kmb59的理論, 甘即係搵得錢多的人, 排放多d CO2或者破壞更多環境係不足為奇. 甘怪不得香港人現在都可以大條道理地破壞環境, 見到香港空氣污染問題, 便立即指晒係珠三角工廠問題, 但又唔知道好多珠三角的工廠都係香港人開的.
我唔知Henry Chan 有無問清楚廢柴兄係引用那些美國傳媒. 不過, 好多人都知道不少報紙其實係某些利益或政治團體的打手. 唔好講甘遠, 好似蘋果日報, 米係泛民派的打手.
你這問題應該問環保團體,他們都支持航空公司要乘客購買carbon offset來中和所產生的二氧化碳﹗
我都想global warming 係呃人嘅天下大騙局,所謂有超過一百名科學家、工程師及經濟學家聯名向聯合國秘書長潘基文發出嘅公開信,內容以為有新論點,可惜講嚟講去又係果啲反調,主旨都係石油經濟大晒,無嘢可以阻住經濟發展:
" It is not possible to stop climate change, a natural phenomenon ....."
Climate change 當然係自然現象,當然唔可以阻止,好似我都可以話"人係無可避免要死",講咗等於冇講;問題重心係人類要stop air pollution。
"......all attest to the dramatic challenges posed to past societies from unanticipated changes in temperature, precipitation, winds and other climatic variables"
地球由形成至今有45億多年,當中有幾次冰河時期、物種滅絕、增溫等等,好多改變當然係無法預測,但以幾十億年的變化,去解釋、淡化這200年的突變,scale 上係咪好唔妥?用李+x ge 思維,去考慮赤貧國家人民每日隨時餓死ge問題?不如面對現實,解決眼前污染問題好過。
"...promoting economic growth and wealth generation"
人類要求世界經濟不斷增長,疊積財富,但忘了經濟体系原是建基於不斷開採地球資源,地球資源是有限的,不能支持無限的 economic growth,醒吓啦。
"....carbon dioxide (CO2), a non-polluting gas that is essential to plant photosynthesis."
又係講咗等於無講,旨在淡化溫室氣体 ge 角色,CO2 本身當然唔係毒氣,問題重點係人類呢200年突然大量排放CO2,呢個量超出地球原本可以自然吸收、調節 ge 限度,CO2濃度年年不斷提高,地球用嚟保暖 ge 溫室效應過咗龍,呢個係問題所在!
"....because attempts to cut emissions will slow development, the current UN approach of CO2 reduction is likely to increase human suffering from future climate change rather than to decrease it"
My god,乜嘢邏輯?逐步戒毒、希望唔再吸毒會冇得 high high 哋,會痛苦咗,所以戒毒唔係辦法?
"Summaries are prepared by a relatively small core writing team....", "The summaries therefore cannot properly be represented as a consensus view among experts. "
睇嚟IPCC要將幾千人ge研究團隊大cut人手,否則間唔中走咗「一大班」科學家出嚟出張notice話唔認數,結果成個 IPCC reports 系列都好似變成非法作品。
".....not evidence for abnormal climate change, for none of these changes has been shown to lie outside the bounds of known natural variability."
現在各種眼見 ge 大自然現象,你話係幾十億年以來都曾有出現過,冇乜特別,又係講咗等於冇講;除非你有一 log historic data,可以模擬工業革命以來 ge 大氣成份走勢,証明呢個 global warming 係意料中事;否則人類無節制地排放 green house gases,點會對擾亂大自然 ge 調節唔駛負責?
"...today's computer models cannot predict climate"
無論電腦幾發達,呢一句永遠都咁合用!做科研就係要以手頭有限資料作出分析、評估,predict the likelihood with reasonable grounds,要100%肯定,放長双眼睇咪知 lor!
"...significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming. But because IPCC working groups were generally instructed to consider work published only through May, 2005...."
全球有好多財團勢力不斷 cast doubt on human-caused global warming,自身利益所在,唔想反思石油經濟,IPCC 到咗某一階段,就當然要確立論據,然後集中火力研究 solutions,如果仲同你哋糾纏,咪中晒計,可能到100年後石油泵乾後,先至冇 doubt on human-caused global warming 噃!
"Balanced cost/benefit analyses provide no support for the introduction of global measures to cap and reduce energy consumption for the purpose of restricting CO2 emissions."
為咗現在的經濟發展模式而對地球環境破壞、污染,點解唔做番個 cost/benefit analyses ?唔敢做?係!因為否則我哋享受緊 ge 食品、產品、侈華生活,成本會變得好貴!
Carbon dioxide is NOT air pollution
科學d ,carbon dioxide 係唔係對人有毒,要睇某空間空氣中所佔carbon dioxide分量先可確定。
Anonymous(December 30, 2007 11:41 PM), you don't know 科學 & Carbon Dioxide at all!
“如果以kmb59的理論,甘即係搵得錢多的人,排放多d CO2或者破壞更多環境係不足為奇。”
潛水人員二氣化碳中毒(Carbon Dioxide Intoxication)
ha ha ha ha ha!
急救Vc, pls ask someone you trust who knows a little bit science.
because of you, i understand why goble-warming so marketable.
P.S. 水中毒 is much easier. and try to search Oxygen 中毒...
well scholars
what is pollution ?
soil is not pollution ? or is it ?
i mean, if u put soil into a stream .. is it pollution ?
it's so GOD DAMN FUNNY to see ppl like VC and yellowcow talking about "pollution" without even a proper definition ..
in fact, even the hk law and scholars dispute on the definition of "pollution" and "pollutants"
There's no reference in HK Law as on what is Pollution/pollutant ..
For some legal references ..
1. R v Dovermoss Ltd.(1995) 159 JP 448 [1995] 11 LS Gaz R 37 - (a) pollution effect is to “make it[the water] impure, foul or filthy”; and (b) It was not necessary in such a case to establish actual harm; the likelihood or capability of causing harm to animal or plant life or those who used the water was sufficient
2. R v Eggar - (a) the likelihood of a lowering of quality of the controlled water makes no difference to the judgment of a polluting matter; (b) whether a discharged matter a pollutant relies on its capable of causing harm
3. Magistracy Appeal No. 942 of 2001 HCMA 942/2001 - pollutant is any matter that has the nature to render any receiving water impure, foul or filthy
How can I actually trust you that CO2 emission is not pollution pseudo-scholars? on the ground that CO2 concentration had raised to 400,000 year high (new record high) now ?
All you said is : o that's no pollutant, go and study
O maybe it is .. ? go and study ?
O dear VC u'r so cute ..
tell u what...I think it is easier to be cheated if u can't even define things properly.. and you dare say "CO2 is not a pollutant" without proper definition nor elaboration .. (at least other guests had copy&pasted something about how CO2 can kill .. and ooo what did we used to kill chickens back in 2003 the time of SARS?)
The debate over if "CO2 is a pollutant" is on going, and it's HOT ... but just for a quick reference, USA Supreme Court hold CO2 as a pollutant earlier in 2007and granted EPA the rights to regulat CO2 emission of new cars ..
"CO2 is not a pollutant" .. re-think about it ..
Is the US Supreme Court a scientific institute? In my opinion the majority who voted for this verdict is wrong.
What is your definition of pollutant anyway?
A common sense definition: something is a pollutant to a medium if the absence of it is a good thing.
in order to make coming discussions/debates more efficient, i suggest every Anonymous make his/her alias. It's so easy to open a new Gmail/Blogger ID.
P.S. if you use Google ID to make comments, follow-up comments will be sent to your account. In addition, if you use your email software (outlook, outlook express...etc.) to get gmail emails, you can know follow-up comments immediately.
cv, 非也。
alias = 真名?
>>A common sense definition: something is a pollutant to a medium if the absence of it is a good thing.
then try this ..
I have a stream here in HK .. I pour soil into the stream, and that degraded water and blocked fish gills and caused fish kills .. which is no-good, right?
then I stick to your definition of "pollutant" and obviously I can actually classify "soil" as a "pollutant" of "water" .. because the absense of it is good
cool ? isn't it ?
So now if I put you into a chamber, or a private car and sit down with a can of pressurized CO2.. I let the valve open and the room fill up with CO2 gas, CO2 concentration gets to 8% and you fall unconcious, and can result in death.. which is no-good too, right?
so by your definition, you defined CO2 as "pollutant" of "air" ..
see how it worked?
and btw, just google "CO2 as pollutant" yourself and see how many scientific insitutions are debating over that topic as I claimed that the debate is hot and open.. but you claimed CO2 is not a pollutant earlier and I can't see any reason to believe in you, you aren't scientific insitution and you got no hypothesis/elaboration to be tested anyway lol
I don't think you can avoid soil in a stream. Having pure water in any stream is not a good thing. So soil is not pollutant by common sense.
Why does any anyone want to purposely put soil in a stream? or for the life of me, put pressuized CO2 in a room. Why go into unrealistic hypothesis if you can cite examples that actually have some common sense in them.
Just to enlight us, can you cite any scientists that actually say that CO2 is a pullutant? I google it and see only politicians saying something so stupid.
so dear yellowcow
by your first definition of "common sense" it leads to a conclusion that CO2 is a pollutant
and by your second statement, which derived from "common sense" as well, you said that CO2 is not a pollutant
then is it self-contradictory? logic tells me that anything that is self-contradictory is flaw ..
ppl are pouring soil into streams for so many reasons.. if you did read thro' the case laws i posted earlier you could see how a construction site do that to a local stream.. or by general public by trying to catch fishes in streams and stir up the sediments .. or even by natural process of landslidings.. it dosen't seems "unlikely" at all for that to happen dose it?
and as for CO2 thing it is not an unrealistic assumption as well... aquarists who try to boost aquatic plant growth often got preurized CO2 for injection to water .. and that accident can happen when the safety valve opens, or the valve is physically damaged .. the common size is 1KG of CO2 gas, which roughly turns to 540L of CO2 gas .. which is good enough to fill up the cabin of a HIACE for over 20% CO2 concentration .. and is quite enough to make ppl feel sick in the small living rooms of hk ..
another good place to see high CO2 concentration would be indoor bus terminals .. we have so much of them in hk and most of them have really poor ventilation which makes CO2 accuminates ..
you call all these "unrealistic" ?
You can increase the CO2 content to 8% in my room. You can also spilling water on my floor or put soil on my sofa. Yes by my definition it makes water, CO2 and soil all pollutants, IN MY ROOM.
A steam is better off without the kind of soil from a construction site or landsliding. So those soils are pollutants.
Stirring up sediments by fish catching? I don't know. What is so bad about it anyway?
If you put soil in my tap water that definitly make soil a pollutant to my tap water. Same logic applies to your examples on CO2.
So what do all those have anything to do with your insistance that CO2 is a polluatnt to the ATMOSPHERE?
You keep saying CO2 is a pollutant. What are your reasons?
so mm .. let say ..
if i can kill myself in my car with CO carbon monoxide .. which i, probably, cannot do that in an open space
then shouldn't it be ruled out from the pollutant list JUST BECAUSE it can't produce the same lethal effect in a much larger space?
IF then you can discharge almost ANYTHING into air or sea, or even just a larger river .. because the dilution effect will do the job and nothing too bad could possibly happen anyway ..
and aa .. don't get me wrong, I never stated or claimed CO2 is a pollutant.. all I did so far is :
1. displayed court conclusions regarding "definition of pollutants" .. probably as a matter of law
2. demonstrated how would your definition, or say - common sense approach, fail to properly define pollutants
3. suggested realistic examples on how can perfectly natural substances like soil do harm ..
and you don't keep an aquarium of yourself do you ?
just stir up the soil substrate and you'll see fish kills the next morning .. it's just that simple .. (not to mention uprooting aquatic plants, burying snails and critters alive on the river bed and stiring up the organic waste at the bottom..it dosen't seems bad enough to you anyway?)
agree with you
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