根據梁文道另一篇差不多相同的文章,原來「毛髮脫落」這不知所謂的比喻是彼得辛格(Peter Singer)提出的,真不明白為什麼香港傳媒知識分子這麼欣賞辛格這個Intellecutal Moron。
2008年1月19日: Greenpeace rallied against the launching of the world's cheapest car
2008年2月09日: Eco-fascism: Jail politicians who ignore climate science
If More CO2 is Bad ... Then What?
Blame the greens when the lights go off
Without us Human, Earth would be pointless
Elite disdain for consumerism and economic growth
Environmental extremism must be put in its place
'Medieval Environmentalists' attack CO2 in their efforts to derail civilization
Bali's Smog of Self-Delusion
Buying Forgiveness
The Conspiracy to Deny the Poor Mobility
The Little Car that Environmentalists Love to Hate
In Praise of Carbon


根據梁文道另一篇差不多相同的文章,原來「毛髮脫落」這不知所謂的比喻是彼得辛格(Peter Singer)提出的,真不明白為什麼香港傳媒知識分子這麼欣賞辛格這個Intellecutal Moron。
2008年1月19日: Greenpeace rallied against the launching of the world's cheapest car
2008年2月09日: Eco-fascism: Jail politicians who ignore climate science
If More CO2 is Bad ... Then What?
Blame the greens when the lights go off
Without us Human, Earth would be pointless
Elite disdain for consumerism and economic growth
Environmental extremism must be put in its place
'Medieval Environmentalists' attack CO2 in their efforts to derail civilization
Bali's Smog of Self-Delusion
Buying Forgiveness
The Conspiracy to Deny the Poor Mobility
The Little Car that Environmentalists Love to Hate
In Praise of Carbon
你做官既,又姓yellow, 唔通X高官就是你?
根據廢柴兄的理論, 有錢人大Q晒, 所以可以做.....
1)在貧人區附近起屏風樓, 土地是公家的, 無問題. 空氣真係差左, 我唔覺呀, 至少我搵到錢.
2)想食多d肉, 我有錢, 米比錢砍伐晒d 森林來養牛. 你唔好理我300磅, 但我有錢, 食完轉頭便去減肥堂. 你唔好同我講, 我搶貴晒d 肉價, 只怪你班窮人無錢買肉, 食菜或食樹皮, 唔會死人的.
3)食飽去叫雞先. 玩女星, 悶悶地玩下小妹妹或者試下小男孩先. 我有比錢的, 反正佢地都係check, 大過又會比人搞, 我好心比錢佢地, 食下蕉, 高爾夫球, cherry, 好正常之嘛. 個個有錢人都係甘玩喇.
4)飲大野錯手打死人. 無問題, 我有錢, 請個出名律師先, 可以令我無罪. 謝xx同楊xx都係甘, 你老x, 我比佢地兩條粉腸有錢, 殺你全家, 轉頭去攞好市民獎都得.
這便是廢柴兄的思想, 不幸地每天也發生這些事情..........
手法好簡單,上網狂key word search ,是但執啲幾十頁嘅公海多的是嘅學術報告或網站,專執嗰一兩段啱用嘅出來,再用多幾個類似手法,做成一篇文章,有時仲可以就住手頭順手執到嘅零碎資料,先至倒轉頭來砌成一篇文,所以有時內容會扭曲或拉雜些,anyway,只要樣樣提啲,睇落就好似好有research base 咁,快夾靚。
每個人都是吸O2放CO2, 唔通有人會講,正因為咁,所以人口越多既國家越排放得多"溫室氣體"咩。
>每個人都是吸O2放CO2, 唔通有人會講,正因為咁,所以人口越多既國家越排放得多"溫室氣體"咩。
This is a very wrong concept ..
We all produce some sort of waste as an animal .. we do go to toilet every single day .. or you don't?
So why can't you accept CO2 as a "waste gas" produced by human beings - just as the toilet waste that we produce ?
The key point here is that : respiration is essential need, and people don't have any choice over this. So it's stupid to blame people for breathing .. BUT we can choose what energy source to use, what engines to run .. which is up to you to make the difference.
Because CO2 is essential to plants and all animals and humans depend on plants.
What is your reason of accepting CO2 as a waste gas? We may have no choice but to produce toilet waste, but what is so essential about toilet waste itself?
Have you heard of popoluation control? Greenies think that our planet is already way over populated.
Check these news out to see what they are up to:
Meet the women who won't have babies - because they're not eco friendly
Baby tax needed to save planet
it's simple .. because CO2 is a biological waste generated in the process of metabolic ... and if it's not a waste gas then why should it be exhaled?
I think Mr. yellowcow should study both agricultural science and Global studies before you come back to this topic. At first, this planet is not over populated, and there are no well-known standard of overpopulation in the earth. The problem in this planet is: the food are not fairly distributed to the whole population (obesity is found in US and western Europe, people in Asia, eastern Europe and most area in Africa keep died in/suffered from malnutrition .
The next thing you should consider is photosynthesis included both consumption of CO2 and oxygen; but the plants have a net oxygen contribute to the atmosphere.If you have study basic biology courses, CO2 is defined as a metabolic waste in living organism.
The idea of carbon neutral is not reduceing the CO2 in the earth to zero, but reduced the excess CO2 found in atmosphere by bioprocess ,and therefore reduced the effects of acid rain or any enviromental disadvantages like flooding, green-house effect to the whole planet.
"the food are not fairly distributed to the whole population"
Why should food be "distributed" at all, let along "fairly"? Food should be either produced or purchased.
I agree with you that the planet is not overpopulated. But I suggest you check out what environmentalist has to say on overpopulation.
What is the ideal CO2 level in atmosphere anyway? There is no proof that current CO2 level has any environmental disadvantages.
"...enviromental disadvantages like flooding, green-house effect to the whole planet"
Green-house effect is NOT a disadvantage and actually is essential to this planet. By far the most important green-house gas is water vapour.
"if it's not a waste gas then why should it be exhaled?"
Human sweats water out throught perspiration so that also makes water a waste I guess.
>>Human sweats water out throught perspiration so that also makes water a waste I guess.
yea you can guess whatever you like ..
all i could say for now is : waste is just another complicated concept which common sense approach failed to define ..
for instance, even toilet waste - as widely accepted as a waste material, is useful material for bacteria as a food source.. as a matter of fact "resource/waste" is often the one same thing in the food chain ..
and don't fool around trying to mix up definitions.. "water content in sweat" and "water" and "sweat" is 3 totally different things .. it might sounds stupid but think of the 白馬非馬 story ..
(aaa .. pls don't stop replying to that "pollutant definition" thread.. it's much more interesting .. or you want it to be relocated to the most recent post's comment?)
it's not the problem of economic issue, but the issue of better use of the source in this planet. While the "freegans" (i hope you have heard about this group of people)in the whole world can feed themselves without giving a penny, the buddies suffer from hunger could buy enough food by their poor wages.
Maybe i use the word "distributed" wrongly, but i really want to let you know it would be very great if everyone are fed with enough food. it benefits the whole world, but not only a few multi-corporation enterprises.
Environmentalist is not a proper authority to comment on overpopulation, but the social science experts.
"What is the ideal CO2 level in atmosphere anyway? There is no proof that current CO2 level has any environmental disadvantages."
Let us talk about environmental science, CO2 are like the particules and water vapour. it absorb the radiation and emit the energy as heat. If too much CO2 remain in the atmosphere before it become a part in the plants, the temperature would keep increasing and cause climate changes in equatorial area and the poles. In a normal situation, 0.058 %CO2 was founded in the air. But the scientist have claimed that CO2 is keeping increases in a rate of 1.5ppm per annually. So, slightly increase in CO2 level can cause enormous climate change in earth.
And One more thing to remind you is CO2 level affects the photosynthetic rates in plants. Be Careful if you want to give any comment on scientific researches.
Though Greenhouse effect was essential to the planet in establishing atmospheric layers some time ago, it does not mean we need it forever.I can say,"Not Now!"
Dear 詩白爾
I would like to say that the word "distributed" is not that inaccurate in your original post if you'r trying to say : allocated.
Economics is the study of resrouces allocation. And if you are by this definition it's more or less just pointing out how economic activities acted to starve people.
危機一髮! 環保分子請注意!
這個一氧二化氫的爛gag居然都給再炒冷飯 .. 純粹就是要為了要騙騙一些沒什麼化學根底的人
你們真的沒希望了,直接去死吧 ...
牛屎, 但comments令我想起它。
再者,我和Yellow Cow立場見解亦不盡相同。
不過,我興幸香港還有這Yellow Cow。
>>危機一髮! 環保分子請注意!
Except for an intention to mislead readers, I can't find any other reasonable explaination to have this statement claimed (provided that this was recently posted in this same blog and you probably read and/or even commented on it too). Shame on you ..
Can't distinguish? Shame on ... oh, sorry, there is no-one!
If you put that "alert" with that "link" together, knowing by heart that the "alert" is a false statement, and the "link" contained misleading information without further clerification - I think it is you who can't distinguish "misleading" from "joking" ..
This is a blog space open to public access and so part of the readers would definitely be misled if they have insufficient chemistry knowledge .. have you ever considered about that?
ref : http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/m033.htm
"MISLEADING CONDUCT - Knowingly making a false statement" ..
or ref : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/misleading
Just check anyone of those
Poor you ..
>>Shame on ... oh, sorry, there is no-one!
aaaa i feel so god damn hurt !!
(don't be silly next time, save your key strokes and say something useful instead)
and btw .. just got to my mind here
"luckily" what?
We were onto the definition of pollutant and yellowcow said CO2 will be diluted in open space and thus will not cause harmful effect and so it's not a pollutant ..
I replied saying that "dilution effect" will make discharging CO (carbon monoxide) harmless then could CO be removed from the pollutant list. And up to now there's no reply at all.
what so "lucky" ? or you'r replying to someone else ? or you'r just speechless? .. that message is incomprehensible at all ..
Oh, this Anonymous = that Anonymous!
="Stupid definition arouse stupid debate! o甘駁落去沒完沒了!
Luckily, 我不是Yellow Cow, 亦無義務答。 Ha Ha"
>>Stupid definition arouse stupid debate!
heard about an old saying ? 真理是越辯越明的 .. apparently you don't believe in it tho' .. and if his definition is sound and concrete, it won't fail any of those tests ..
so if a stupid debate can tell if a definition is sound or not, then it might not be that stupid afterall ..
包拋頸的好辯者多是要做the man with last debate
"真理是越辯越明" 很少應驗的。
However, I agree with you, yellow cow's definition is stupid.
But he was more stupid to debate with you in this way.
talking of that ..
yea .. look at this blog's settings .. I think you just pinpointed the most crucial point about this blog
the writer assumed itself flawless and busting everyone in his way ..
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