估唔到連CNN都有踢爆全球暖化謊言的特輯(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 文字記錄)
5月10日: 德國雜誌Spiegel的報導, 就算根據電腦模擬, 全球暖化其實對很多地區都是好事
5月16日: 意大利科學家質疑IPCC的結論
5月17日: 有超過3萬科學家會員的American Association of Petroleum Geologists有關氣候變化的Policy Statement
5月31日: NASA官員質疑全球暖化
6月05日: 加拿大National Post以長達20多集介紹多位有名科學家以多角度對全球暖化論提出質疑
6月10日: 2003年40多位科學家發公開信給當時加拿大首相質疑京都條約的科學根據
6月25日: 瑞典科學家認為海平面上升是個騙局
7月01日: 參與IPCC的科學家有很多對其報告結論也有質疑
7月12日: IPCC科學家質疑電腦模擬結果, 認為二氧化碳量將來不可能大幅上升
8月12日: 著名物理學家Freeman Dyson認為全球暖化論是"grossly exaggerated", 而現時的氣候電腦模擬根本不能反映真實世界的情況
8月14日: 澳洲數名議員發表報告質疑「人為全球暖化論」
8月20日: 耶魯經濟教授William Nordhaus研究指減排成本將遠高於暖化的經濟損失
8月22日: 有參與IPCC報告檢閱的科學家認為報告並不代表科學界的共識
8月23日: 2006年再有60位科學家發公開信給當時加拿大首相質疑全球暖化理論
11月8日: 美國The Weather Channel創辦人認為「全球暖化」是有史以來最大的騙局
11月19日: 英國著名環保份子David Bellamy認為「全球暖化」是個Myth
2008年1月2日: 前BBC科學編輯: Has Global Warming Stopped?
Friday, May 04, 2007
Posted by
2:41 PM
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第二,come on,我一早說明,我是認真發問的,是本着求真的精神,如果大家身處的時間地點不同,大家看到和感受到的自然不同,你怎知道牛兄是在地球上呢?可能他身處天王星海王星,或是地球的冰河時期,那大家討論暖化便沒有意思了,所以請牛兄盡快解疑
第三,我那有單打呢?你看到我有什麼立場嗎?我請問他來自何時何地何方,代表我不同意他的說法嗎?當然我這麼說也不代表我同意他的理念,同樣,我只是看了他的文章一段日子,得知他和大家的看法不一樣,我有說這"大家"包括本人在內嗎(當然這也不代表不包括)?take it easy man^_^
咦?!說了這麼久,牛大哥在哪裡呀?我有很多很多問題要向他請教和討論呀!難道今天假期,牛大哥回了牛棚吃草嗎?(註:這是借喻啊!牛棚,家也,吃草,吃飯也,不是在單打唷!什麼也要說得這麼白,真沒趣唷!香港人的sense of humour在哪裡?)
Perhaps CNN is from Mars....hahaha....perhaps Miss 小布 didn't even bother to look at the links before she critisize.....or perhaps she looked, but did not see, like many others....
I wouldn't even bother to respond if I were yellowcow, no gas.....
我再一次強調,我問牛兄的問題是認真的,如果大家身處的時空不同,那爭拗下去也沒有什麼意思了,例如甲在尖咀天星,乙在中環天星,大家也以為大家在天星,甲對乙說天星旁是文化中心,乙說不是,那你認為他們爭拗下去有意思嗎?我仔細地see過CNN links後,有千言萬語要和牛兄討論啊!但我一定要問清楚他是否地球上21世紀的人類才行!
仲有,補充一點,牛兄是不會no gas架喎,你唔知牛係成日放屁,成日都排甲烷架咩,全世界60億人no gas都有排未輪到佢no gas喇!
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
i see.....there is really no point discussing things with people from venus, they not only speak a different language, they pronounce from their butt-holes....boot boot....beeep bboooottt.....hahaha
according to the the text, this guy, Glenn Beck seems to be much more political, not very scientific. I went to see his information on wikipeida, as I expected, he's a very conservative talk show DJ... I don't want to believe such a guy when we have tons of scientists around the world working and fighting against global warming. Of coz, it's good to have some other point of view. But we don't need someone tell us that 4+5 = 10....
so you think al gore is less political and more believable?
i've never seen the inconvenient truth. But i see he has the same direction as the scientist community.
I guess we can see the clue from
And as I said it doesn't matter if it's Gore or Beck, the fight is on a political level, but the truth is there. Denying global warming and its cause is a stupid move. If we stand outside of the view of U.S, things will be much more clearer, to reduce carbon dioxide release is something has to be done.
i'm not denying gobal warming, i can feel it myself.....but i'm just being skeptical, is global warming solely caused by carbon dixoide? can we really change the warming trend merely by stop producing carbon dixoide? that simple?
please also read the "global warming controversy" section to your link, it is far from a one-sided story.....
全球暖化不單是由於CO2, 也包括甲烷等溫室氣體. 但這不代表溫室氣體存在是有問題, 有問題的是在太短的時間突然大大增多溫室氣體排放. 溫度上升已經成為一個趨勢, 但是不是甚麼都唔做? 而正如之前有網友說過, 有些既得利益者, 如油公司等, 希望製造一些假言論, 意圖搞錯視線, 所以有一些好似global warming controversy走出來. 當然, 也有一些好似廢柴兄一樣讀壞書的垃圾走出來亂說一通.
我尊重你識打英文, 也識得理性思想, 但唔該也看看全球暖化的論証. 謝謝
Good point, but my understanding can be put this way:
Global warming is very likely man made, and national level control is necessary, reducing carbon emissions is a good start, if we have to wait a 100% unanimous agreement, it will be too late.
So, the most important thing is to start doing something.
Let's see how those professional organizations comment on global warming.
AAPG is the only one professional body that against the idea of global warming by human activities. Why did yellowcow only consider and quote its opinion, but not others?
This article reveals how BAD science is used to arrive at the conclusion that "A given temperature field can be interpreted as both "warming" and "cooling" simultaneously, making the concept of warming in the context of the issue of global warming physically ill-posed."
CNN踢爆全球暖化謊言, 布殊又係拒絕面對全球暖化的研究, 而CNN一向在很多其他議題上都係支持布殊的... 嗯....
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