11月13日信報社評「交易染政治 一筆糊塗賬」中,批評最近梁伯韜引入李嘉誠及中國網通等入股電訊盈科的交易、以至李澤楷出售電盈股權的整個過程是一筆「糊塗賬」﹕
信報社評人沒有提及的是,當日麥格理和新橋的所謂「出價」,根本全是靠傳媒引述「消息人士」吹出來的﹗在正式公佈裏,麥格理和新橋的所謂「收購商討」,其實「只是非常初步」、「無任何交易事項的詳細條款」、以及一開始已指明要得到「特別包括中國網通」在內的各方同意才會進行﹗(可參考本網之前評論1, 2, 3)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Posted by
10:32 AM
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鑑於閣下說不清楚「踢爆美國中期選舉報 道」是甚麼意思,容本人隨便舉一例子,試請[踢爆]:
這是華盛頓郵報10月31日一則報道的前半部: 內容是說布殊指若民主黨勝選,就是恐怖分子贏.現在美國選民用選票讓民主黨贏,到底是意味美國選民希望恐怖分子贏,還是美國選民不信布殊這套鬼話?雖然競選言論難免會去盡些,但身為總統,布殊總不能順口開河吧.
SUGAR LAND, Texas - President Bush said terrorists will win if Democrats win and impose their policies on Iraq, as he and Vice President Dick Cheney escalated their rhetoric yesterday in an effort to turn out Republican voters in next week's midterm elections.
Democratic operatives continued to broaden the field of races they think are competitive enough to merit last-minute investments, as the party's House election committee launched ads in typically conservative districts of Kentucky, Nebraska and Nevada. In the Senate battle, new public and private polls indicated very tight races in Tennessee, Virginia and Missouri, the last of which is shaping up as possibly the country's tightest contest.
Faced with potential GOP defeat in both chambers, Bush and Cheney aimed to avert that by convincing voters that they cannot risk giving the opposition party any power in Washington.
"However they put it, the Democrat approach in Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses," Bush told a raucous crowd of some 5,000 GOP partisans packed in the arena at an earlier stop at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro.
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