恭喜,蘋果日報5月27日A26版頭條「布殊 貝理雅 為伊戰懺悔」的報道,經初步評選後,已確認獲得「全球最誇張失實報道大獎」,獲獎原因﹕
- 報道說﹕「50分鐘的記者會變成懺悔大會‥‥(布殊、貝理雅)不停為伊拉克戰爭認錯」
- 錯﹕50分鐘的記者會中,有關伊戰失誤的問題只有一條(最後一條),布殊回應的時間不超過兩分鐘﹔貝理雅嚴格來說並沒有直接承認過任何失誤,只說有一些挑戰較預期大,一些挑戰則較預期小。
- 報道指布殊、貝理雅「為伊戰懺悔」
- 事實上,翻看過路透社及法新社的報道(蘋果報道自稱的消息來源),以及美國主流傳媒有關報道的撮要,都沒有蘋果般誇張 。根據網上辭典『懺悔』是指「請他人容忍、寬恕自己的罪」。布殊在記者會開首致辭時,已斬釘截鐵地說「推翻薩達姆的決定是正確的」(The decision to remove Saddam Hussein was right),顯然並沒有「為伊戰懺悔」之意。
- 報道說﹕「打了三年的伊拉克戰爭陷入泥沼」
- 誤導﹗伊拉克主要戰事(major combat operations)已在03年5月結束(參考維基百科),雖然之後國內仍不斷有恐怖襲擊,但這個蘋果稱為「泥沼」的國家,去年仍舉行了三次全民投票,包括去年12月超過1200萬人投票的國會選舉,而首屆經民主程序產生的政府亦已於上周誕生。
- 報道說﹕「布殊和貝理雅的聲望江河日下,無法連任令他們成了跛腳鴨」
- 誤導﹗布殊之所以「無法連任」是因為憲法上他最多只能任職兩屆總統,根本與他現時的民望無關。貝理雅是英國第一個能連任三屆的工黨首相,早在04年接受BBC訪問時,貝理雅已宣布他無意連任第四屆。(詳情可參考維基百科)
本網相關評論﹕布殊貝理雅對伊戰義無反顧 ﹔明報的反美偏見 ﹔伊拉克3年來真的沒有改善嗎?
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Posted by
11:36 AM
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>誤導﹗伊拉克主要戰事(major combat operations)已在03年5月結束(參考維基百科)
Gimme a break! Officially US has never "declared war" on Vietnam, so to say that the operations has ended, while linguistically correct, is the same as saying there is really no "Vietnam War." I guess all the US soldiers in Iraq must be just having a vacation in Iraq.
You make it sound like it's really no big deal. Would you want to live in that country?
Yeah sure, if you call that a "democratic election." Allow me to rephrase Putin's words, "We certainly would not want to have same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, quite honestly." (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/07/20060715-1.html)
Calm down. All yellowcow is saying is that Iraq is not as bad as the local media portrays. There are good things happening there you know.
Comparing with Vietnam Iraq certainly does not look like a quagmire.
And when did Putin become a authority in matters of democracy?
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